OpenOTP NIS2 Compliance

Implement MFA and IAM with RCDevs’ solutions

NIS2 IAM MFA Compliance
with OpenOTP Security Suite

The EU’s NIS2 Directive mandates businesses
to enhance cybersecurity, conduct regular audits,
and swiftly report incidents. RCDevs is here to help.

NIS2 Compliance with OpenOTP Security Suite
Become NIS2 Compliant
Using OpenOTP Security Suite

The NIS2 Directive (Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems) is an updated version of the original NIS Directive established by the European Union to enhance cybersecurity across the EU.
It aims to address emerging challenges and strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure in the digital age. RCDevs solutions are here to assist European organizations comply with NIS2 requirements.

NIS2 Directive Key Objectives

NIS2 Regulation’s
Highlights & New Requirements

Step-by-step guide

Preparing Your Company
for NIS2 Compliance

To navigate the complexities of NIS2 and mitigate potential risks, companies can take proactive measures. First things first, they can visit the NIS2 Directive website.

1 - Conduct a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Audit
Begin with a thorough assessment of your current cybersecurity measures. Identify any vulnerabilities that may need addressing under the new directive.
2 - Understand the Expanded Scope
Familiarize yourself with the extended sectors covered by the NIS2 Directive. Make sure your organization falls within its jurisdiction and understand the specific obligations that now apply.
3 - Update Cybersecurity Policies and Procedures
Revise your existing policies to align with the NIS2 Directive’s requirements. This may include enhancing incident response plans, risk management strategies, and business continuity plans.
4 - Invest in Advanced Cybersecurity Technologies
Consider upgrading your cybersecurity infrastructure with robust and proven solutions that meet the directive’s standards. This investment not only helps in compliance but also strengthens your defenses.
5 - Train Management and Staff
Organize comprehensive training sessions for management and employees, focusing on the new regulations and their roles in maintaining cybersecurity. Special emphasis should be on risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
6 - Develop a Reporting and Compliance Framework
Establish clear processes for incident reporting as mandated by the directive. Make sure that these processes are well integrated into your overall cybersecurity strategy.
7 - Engage with Cybersecurity Experts
Seek advice from cybersecurity consultants or legal experts who specialize in EU regulations. Their expertise can provide valuable insights and help navigate the complexities of compliance.
8 - Stay Informed
Regularly consult the official NIS2 Directive resources and updates to stay up-to-date of any changes or additional guidance provided by the EU.
NIS2 covers
More than
160 K
Companies affected by NIS2
Maximum fine
10 M
for NIS2 non-compliance
Comprehensive Overview

NIS2 Compliance Core Aspects

NIS2 Key Measures

In the NIS2 Directive, it is stated that the measures shall be based on an “all-hazards approach” that aims to protect network and information systems and the physical environment of those systems from incidents, and shall include “at least” the following:

Implement comprehensive policies on risk analysis and information system security
Establish effective incident handling procedures
Business continuity plans should include robust backup management and disaster recovery strategies
Supply chain security must be addressed by ensuring that security-related aspects are considered in the relationships between each entity and its direct suppliers or service providers
Security in the acquisition, development, and maintenance of network and information
Must have policies and procedures in place to assess the effectiveness of their cybersecurity risk-management measures
Basic cyber hygiene practices and comprehensive cybersecurity training should be mandatory
Implement policies and procedures regarding the use of cryptography
Human resources security must include strict access control policies and effective asset management
The use of multi-factor authentication or continuous authentication solutions should be mandated

NIS2 Covered Sectors

The NIS2 Directive encompasses a wide range of sectors to ensure comprehensive cybersecurity across critical infrastructure and services. These sectors are divided into two main categories:

Essential Sectors

Energy: Including electricity, oil, and gas
Transport: Covering air, rail, water, and road transport
Banking: Banks and financial institutions
Financial Market Infrastructures: Entities that ensure the smooth functioning of financial markets
Health: Hospitals and healthcare providers
Drinking Water Supply and Distribution: Ensuring the safety and availability of drinking water
Digital Infrastructure: Data centers, cloud service providers, and internet exchange points
Public Administration: Government bodies and public sector organizations
Space: Entities involved in space-based services and infrastructure

Important Sectors

Postal and Courier Services: Providers of postal and courier services
Waste Management: Companies involved in the collection, treatment, and disposal of waste
Chemicals: Entities involved in the production and distribution of chemicals
Food Production: Organizations engaged in the production and supply of food
Manufacturing: Various manufacturing industries, especially those critical to the economy
Digital Providers: Providers of digital services and products


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