RCDevs Afterwork : Thanks for coming
After a long working day, take a break with RCDevs during our Annual Afterwork reception. …
Luxembourg targeted by a massive phishing campaign
Circl quickly launched an alert: a massive phishing campaign began Thursday morning in Luxembourg. SMS invite customers from several banks to go on fake sites. …
OpenOTP is one of the most innovative cybersecurity solution
We are proud to have been among the top 5 companies for the most innovative cybersecurity solution of the year during the PWC’s Cybersecurity Day. …
Cybersécurité: Les nouvelles réglementations et technologies
Au cours des dernières années, les technologies informatiques ont connu une transformation radicale, permettant une mobilité des systèmes et des travailleurs jamais vue jusqu’ici. Cette nouvelle donne a toutefois multiplié les portes d’entrée potentielles pour les attaques informatiques. Invité par le Paperjam à s’exprimer sur …
Public Cloud vs Private Cloud
Cloud computing has been a game changer in the IT world in the past years. But if you start digging into Cloud computing you’re probably well aware of the private vs. public cloud debate. Before you decide which end of the debate you side with, …
We are excited to be part of the pitching contest of the PwC Luxembourg Cybersecurity Day
The Best cybersecurity solution will be awarded during the LuxSecurityWeek Gala Dinner on 24 October after the pitching contest at PwC Luxembourg Cybersecurity Day. Will RCDevs be the next winner? Request your invitation now! bit.ly/cyberseclu19 …
This Is RCDevs Like You’ve Never Seen It
Most of the companies promote their culture and empower their people through the implementation of the corporate culture and Team buildings. At RCDevs, we believe in a bottom up approach where the people who make the company are those who create the culture and values. …
SpanKey now supports Sudo
RCDevs bundled its own modified version of the sudo’s sudoers policy plugin in SpanKey SSH Key Server, enabling users connected via SSH through our solution to use the sudo command and to centrally manage the sudoers rules in your LDAP directory.The sudo command allows users …
Could Federated Identity Management become a standard?
Traditional approaches to identity management show their limitations. In this context, many organizations are turning to identity federation to facilitate user work across multiple systems, while reducing the administrative burden of managing access to these systems. …
We are proud to be in good company
We are proud to be in good company for Cybersecurity and authentication. Thanks to @The_LHoFT with support from @ALFIfunds, …